what is a brand logo

What Is a Logo? Logo Design From A to Z

Your brand logo is not necessarily the first thing people notice about your brand, but it’s definitely an integral part of your brand identity, one that can impact how consumers perceive your company.

A good brand logo acts as the foundation of your company and will help customers understand what you do, why you are, and what your values are.

Linkedin background photo

10 LinkedIn Background Photo Tips That Will Make Your Profile Stand Out

Due to the pandemic, many of us have switched to working from home in the past few months, and networking has moved online. As a result, LinkedIn became more and more popular, reaching 772 million members in October 2020.

The good news is that now it’s easier than ever for professionals worldwide to connect and discuss business. However, to make a powerful impression in the crowded online world of LinkedIn, you’ll need a strong profile that stands out.