Why you need to reconsider the death of the banner ad
The banner ad turned 20 in October last year. Along the way, many have praised its death countless times and others have publicly expressed their disdain.
The banner ad turned 20 in October last year. Along the way, many have praised its death countless times and others have publicly expressed their disdain.
So, it happens sometimes. You’ve learned how to make a banner, created and uploaded it to your online advertising campaign and you wait for the approval.
When we talk about banner ads we should go a little beyond the already known theory “Let’s run some display advertising to sell our products” and we should believe that banners can tell stories. What do I mean by stories? Banner advertising is not just for selling?
If you’re thinking of running an advertising campaign and you don’t know where or how to start, you’ve come to the right place. Probably one of the biggest challenges when you want to start a campaign are the creatives: how should your banner ads look like? More importantly: what copy should go on the banner?